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Lead Magnet Quiz Training & Toolkit for coaches, consultants and industry experts

The Quiz Quick Start Toolkit

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A 4-Part Video Training & Resource Bundle to help you hop off the marketing hamster wheel and start attracting ideal clients with ease using a high impact, authority-building quiz or assessment.

And the best part is, this is the fluff-free fast track. Dozens of entrepreneurs have already used the resources in this toolkit to launch their quiz in less than a weekend!

Want A Quiz To Magnetically Attract More Right-Fit Clients With Ease?

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This system turbocharged our existing quiz from a nice way to boost our list, to a highly targeted and strategic experience tied to business goals. And our audience is loving the new questions and results!” - Crosby Noricks, Embodiment Coach & Founder of PR Couture


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You've likely seen industry leaders using quizzes to grow their businesses. And it makes sense...

Because who can resist taking a compelling quiz, right?

So you know it's possible to make a bigger impact and grow your own online business with a quiz.

But here's what doesn't make sense: how the heck to even begin creating one.

If thinking about building a quiz for your brand makes you want to bang your head against a wall, you’re not alone. 

The good news is: you understand more about quizzes than most.

Because you already realize creating a quiz that actually grows your business requires intention and strategy.

But now, all that guesswork is holding you back...

Not to mention, you’ve likely already spent time and energy creating more traditional lead magnets and freebies like Checklists, Cheat Sheets, Free Trainings and more.

Only to find out how often those just end up in people’s “email graveyard”. And when people don’t consume your free content, they don’t receive the value. 

And the relationship with that potential client is DOA. 

But there’s a better way…

It’s time to capture and engage your ideal clients right from the start…with your very own stand-out quiz.

Introducing: The Quiz Quick Start Toolkit

This is your super simple path to strategize and start creating your lead-generating quiz in an afternoon or less. 

This 4-Part Video Training + Resource Bundle eliminates all the guesswork with step-by-step exercises, a full example bank of quizzes to reference, swipe copy copy, tech recommendations and more!

With the Quiz Quick Start Toolkit You will…

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✔︎ Solidify a streamlined lead generation strategy that supports your current goals and long term business vision

✔︎ Determine the type of quiz and topic to get the best results possible while providing max value for your ideal audience

✔︎ Eliminate the guesswork and get your quiz launched quickly with a start-to-finish framework (that dozens of busy business owners have already used to launch their quizzes in a weekend or less!)

Access Your Quiz Quick Start Toolkit Today For Just $67
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I can't wait to tell all my friends about this! It opened my eyes to how quizzes can be so much more than just a lead magnet.”  - Lauren Goldstein, CEO & Founder Of Golden Key Partnership

A strategically-crafted quiz works for your brand 24/7 to reach more of the right people while increasing your leads and sales, so you can achieve your most important goals faster and feel good in the process.

Ready to dive in and get started?

Your Quiz Quick Start Toolkit Includes:

  • 4-Part Video Training: I won’t just teach you what to do, I’ll give you specific, actionable exercises to implement in real time. So in less than an hour from now, you could be well on your way to launching your very own lead magnet quiz!
  • Quiz Funnel Resource Bundle: With a detailed quiz funnel guide, swipe copy, interactive tools, quiz platform discounts and more -- you can consider all that guesswork, GONE.
  • Toolkit Intro Video: A personal welcome + step-by-step walkthrough to set you up for success so you can dive right into all the goodness.
  • Lifetime Access so you can revisit and rewatch the training videos and/or come back to all of the resources at any time, on any device.

PLUS when you claim this offer today, you also get these BONUSES:

  • Business Vision Lesson & Guide ($97 value)
  • Quizness Approved Swipe File ($67 value)
  • Quiz Results Delivery Email Outline + Swipe Copy ($250 value)
  • OnDemand Quiz Quick Start Implementation Workshop to guide you through creating the most important components of your quiz. ($400 value)

(Total Value: $814)

Your Price ONLY: $67

Get Access Now for Just $67 & Create Your Quiz Today!
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If you want to create a quiz in a way that's easy, comfortable and fun, I highly encourage you to sign up!”  - Jacqui Letran

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Hi! I’m AnnMarie.

I’m an Online Business Strategist with nearly a decade of experience helping business owners reach the right people with the right message and generate revenue online. 

My team and I have helped hundreds of coaches, consultants and industry elevate their business model, clarify their brand message and simplify their digital marketing so they can impact (and earn) millions online without overwhelm.

And since 2019, I’ve helped hundreds of business owners start using Quiz Funnels to attract more right-fit leads and grow with ease.

Here’s The Deal: I’m All About Progress, Not Perfection…

There isn’t a “perfect time” to create a quiz for your business. But when you get access to the toolkit now, you’ll have all the tools you need to create your quiz on your time and grow your email list faster than ever before. So what are you waiting for?  

Quizzes take significantly less time to create than other lead magnets do. Not to mention, we’ve had dozens of business owners use this same training to launch a quiz in less than a weekend. 

Ready to get your quiz launched right away?

I’m Ready To Launch My Quiz ASAP!

Ready to get your quiz created & launched so you can experience next level clarity, growth and impact without hustle?

Your Quiz Quick Start Toolkit Includes:

  • 4-Part Video Training: I won’t just teach you what to do, I’ll give you specific, actionable exercises to implement in real time. So in less than an hour from now, you could be well on your way to launching your very own lead magnet quiz!
  • Quiz Funnel Resource Bundle: With a detailed quiz funnel guide, swipe copy, interactive tools, quiz platform discounts and more -- you can consider all that guesswork, GONE.
  • Toolkit Intro Video: A personal welcome + step-by-step walkthrough to set you up for success so you can dive right into all the goodness.
  • Lifetime Access so you can revisit and rewatch the training videos and/or come back to all of the resources at any time, on any device.

PLUS when you claim this offer today, you also get these BONUSES:

  • Business Vision Lesson & Guide ($97 value)
  • Quizness Approved Swipe File ($67 value)
  • Quiz Results Delivery Email Outline + Swipe Copy ($250 value) 
  • OnDemand Quiz Quick Start Implementation Workshop to guide you through creating the most important components of your quiz. ($400 value)

(Total Value: $814)

Your Price ONLY: $67

Get Access Now!
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Why figure things out on your own? AnnMarie's clear, proven, PRICELESS process walks you step-by-step through exactly what you need to do to create something magical that reflects your brand message and attracts your perfect clients.”  - Devi Adea, Podcasting Expert & Host of Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast

Your Top Questions About Quizzes, Answered.

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