A 2-Hour Interactive Workshop For Coaches, Consultants & Service Providers

ACE Your Scalable Offer

Design or refine a mouthwatering one-to-many offer that's tailored to you, nourishes your season of life and fills up your bank account

September 12th at 9:30AM Pacific | 12:30PM Eastern

Replay Access + Bonus 1:1 Follow Up Included


A 2-Hour Interactive Workshop For Coaches, Consultants & Service Providers 

ACE Your Scalable Offer

Design or refine a mouthwatering one-to-many offer that's tailored to you, nourishes your season of life and fills up your bank account

September 12th at 9:30 AM Pacific | 12:30 PM Eastern

Replay Access + Bonus 1:1 Follow Up Included


Chelsea Scomak, Lifestyle Financial Planner

"Before learning this framework, I was playing small and working 13+ hours per day. Now, my business has doubled in revenue, I’m working 6 hrs/day (max) and people are coming out of the woodwork to work with me."

Stephanie H., Transformational coach for Women of Faith

"I wanted more ease and more flow and simplicity in my business. AnnMarie's process allowed me to finally build an offer that's just right for me."

Alli M., Strategy & Governance Consultant

"I'm now marketing something I LOVE that didn't even exist 2 weeks ago and 2 people are already IN at full price! After 18 years in business, I almost didn't believe this was possible for me."

Erica B., Leadership Coach & Healer

"I finally have a scalable offer that really lights me up. I get to teach, coach, heal and mentor so many more clients without being booked solid with 1:1 calls. I'm so excited to be stepping into this energy!"

Sarah B., Founder of Tiny Marketing

"I've never been more excited about my offers than I am now. I'm having so much fun working on them!"

Christina L., Book Writing Coach

"I finally have a scalable offer that's helping  replace my 1:1 coaching income so I have more time for life while still doing what I love. As an introverted academic, it was tough to figure out the type of offer that would work for me. This offer allows me to serve people in the way that I want."

You’re meant to serve more people. You’re meant for more revenue and more space to live life. But right now, you’re…maxed out, to the max.


It’s time to say GOODBYE to being perpetually stretched thin and HELLO to a business that keeps your heart and bank account in consistent overflow.


I’ll show you how to create or refine a scalable offer that will take you from 🏋️🎢😰 to 😍💰😌 in your online business.  

That is, your business will go from being:

🏋️A never-ending heavy lift -- because you’re strong and persistent and on top of it, but ideally you wouldn’t have to be so strong and persistent on top of your game all the damn time. You’re ready for sht to finally feel light and FLOW. 

🎢A revenue rollercoaster -- because when the “invoice paid” confirmations are coming in hot you’re like “hell yeah I’m killin’ the game and life is goooood” but then the cashflow crickets start chirping and all of a sudden you’re rethinking everything).

😰An undercurrent of anxiety that accompanies you on nights, weekends, family vacay…basically anytime you step away from your screen -- because you have MORE you know you’re here to accomplish on the business front. But since your business really only moves forward when you’re actively plugged in, unplugging altogether feels like dishonoring some of your deepest desires.

To being 👇👇👇

😍A rinse-and-repeat system that delivers kick ass client results (that sell themselves and lead to WAY more repeat/retained clients)

💰A well-oiled money-making machine that you AND your family AND your dreams can depend on…for good

😌The reason you have peace of mind when you unplug because you know your business is moving forward even when you’re OFF.


With a personalized approach to dial in your signature scalable offer.


P.S. It’s the same approach I’ve used to create and refine a scalable offer that generates multiple 6 figures annually and allows me to work 3 to 4 days per week (oh, and I’ve helped dozens of clients do this too😉)


ACE Your Scalable Offer

A 2-Hour Interactive Workshop Experience to design or refine a mouthwatering one-to-many offer that's tailored to you, nourishes your season of life and fills up your bank account

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific



Includes Replay Access + Bonus 1:1 Follow Up Consult 

When You Join Me for ACE Your Scalable Offer You Will:

➡️ Identify your aligned path to scale in a way that supports your season of life and personal preferences

➡️ Clarify your right-fit scalable offer format (i.e. structure) for your SOULMATE scalable offer, that’ll also get your clients great results

➡️ Discover how to talk about your offer so ideal clients really get it and run full speed to BUY now

➡️ Explore light-lift promo and enrollment strategies to get the word out without burning out and start making sales right away

"Sounds good AnnMarie, but how the f is this workshop really going to change things for me?” 


Look at you asking the hard-hitting Qs. Respect. 

Let’s break down what you’ll walk away with, shall we? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Your Aligned Path to Scale:

Listen, I know you want to scale but you’re not sure what that would even look like since you’ve yet to see somebody do it in a way that feels like a FULL BODY YES for YOU.

Maybe you’ve even tried the course creation route or flirted with launching a group program or membership. But if we’re being honest, the results were meh by your standards (which tend to be sky high, but still).

Now you’re at this place where you KNOW it’s ultimately lack of clarity that’s capping your income and impact AND freedom. If you just had a clear picture of HOW *you* want to scale in a way that doesn’t drain you or require you to compromise the life stuff that matters big time to you.

During ACE Your Scalable Offer, we’ll map out YOUR aligned (& most profitable 😏) pathway to scale.

And to be clear, we’re not talking about scaling in the way a lot of people do. You know, the “create 5 courses and 2 memberships and hire 3 new team members and spend $20k/m on ads etc. etc. etc.” way? Yeah, we’re not doing that. (Because with love, catch those same people a year later de-scaling their businesses after realizing they scaled themselves straight into a prison and burned the f out*

We’re talking about the kind of scaling that has you on an unplugged late afternoon lunch date with your partner or a Friday spa day whenever you damn well please bc work is done & dusted for the day/week and the dolla bills are flowing IN while YOU DO YOU baby.

Right-Fit Scalable Offer Format

If the thought of creating a scalable offer has your head spinning with moving parts and potential pitfalls, I get it. You’re worried it’ll take a shitload of work to pull off — and what if in the end, the experience is just meh for people?? You’re super hands-on with your clients, after all (hence the rave-worthy results they get with the way you do things now). The last thing you’re interested is being that expert getting called out on the internet streets for putting out an offer that underdelivers.

During ACE Your Scalable Offer, we’ll pinpoint the right scalable offer format for YOU—one that matches your energy, honors your dedicated approach, and leaves clients absolutely blown away by their results. And you’ll do it without losing a wink of sleep wondering if it’s “good enough” or hustling to pull it off.

Imagine having an offer that’s a perfect match for how YOU work best, one that creates jaw-dropping transformations, and frees you up to live your fcking life without being chained to desk chair (or walking pad) to make money.

How To Talk About Your Offer

No doubt, the fear of pouring your heart and soul into something new only to have it met with crickets is real. Not to mention it already feels a little cricket-y at times. Like you’re showing up and talking about your business…but are your people really getting it? Because your DMs aren’t exactly flooded with ideal clients ready to go ALL IN on your current offer(s) — so why would that change just because you launch a new (or refined) scalable offer?

During ACE Your Scalable Offer, I’ll show you how to nail the language you use to talk about your offer so it’s crystal clear—so clear that ideal clients won’t just understand it, they’ll be sprinting to buy it. No more spinning your wheels trying to explain the value. Instead, you’ll have offer positioning that resonates so deeply, it pulls dream clients in like a magnet.

Imagine finally having the words that make your offer irresistible, so you can stop spiraling about whether people will buy and start popping champagne early because you KNOW “sold out” status is inevitable.

Promo & Enrollment Strategies

Let’s be so real for a second: doing big, flashy launches with ads, a million emails, and fancy tech is fcking stressful (throwback to 2020 AnnMarie working nonstop from 6am-2am for an entire week trying to pull off this kind of launch with a $10k budget and 2 team members — and here come the stress hives). So if imagining that level of hustle makes you want to crawl under a blanket, I’m right there with you.

And if your audience is on the smaller side, you might even be wondering “What’s the point of launching something new? I probably don’t even have enough people to share it with to make it worth the effort. Maybe I should just wait until my audience is bigger…” 

Here’s the truth: You don’t need a massive list or a robust launch plan to start (and keep) selling your scalable offer. During ACE Your Scalable Offer, I’ll show you some light-lift promotion strategies and pre-enrollment ideas that’ll get the word out and make sales without burning you out. We’re talking about quick wins that are 100% do-able—no matter the size of your audience.

The goal? Get you moving forward, making sales and serving more people with a simple, stress-free approach that actually works, so you can stop putting off what’s on your heart and start seeing those “payment received” notifications roll in from the dreamiest clients.

Omg this is exactly what I need - i'm in!Call To Action

Your Aligned Path to Scale:

Listen, I know you want to scale but you’re not sure what that would even look like since you’ve yet to see somebody do it in a way that feels like a FULL BODY YES for YOU.

Maybe you’ve even tried the course creation route or flirted with launching a group program or membership. But if we’re being honest, the results were meh by your standards (which tend to be sky high, but still).

Now you’re at this place where you KNOW it’s ultimately lack of clarity that’s capping your income and impact AND freedom. If you just had a clear picture of HOW *you* want to scale in a way that doesn’t drain you or require you to compromise the life stuff that matters big time to you.

During ACE Your Scalable Offer, we’ll map out YOUR aligned (& most profitable 😏) pathway to scale.

And to be clear, we’re not talking about scaling in the way a lot of people do. You know, the “create 5 courses and 2 memberships and hire 3 new team members and spend $20k/m on ads etc. etc. etc.” way? Yeah, we’re not doing that. (Because with love, catch those same people a year later de-scaling their businesses after realizing they scaled themselves straight into a prison and burned the f out*

We’re talking about the kind of scaling that has you on an unplugged late afternoon lunch date with your partner or a Friday spa day whenever you damn well please bc work is done & dusted for the day/week and the dolla bills are flowing IN while YOU DO YOU baby.

Right-Fit Scalable Offer Format

If the thought of creating a scalable offer has your head spinning with moving parts and potential pitfalls, I get it. You’re worried it’ll take a shitload of work to pull off — and what if in the end, the experience is just meh for people?? You’re super hands-on with your clients, after all (hence the rave-worthy results they get with the way you do things now). The last thing you’re interested is being that expert getting called out on the internet streets for putting out an offer that underdelivers.

During ACE Your Scalable Offer, we’ll pinpoint the right scalable offer format for YOU—one that matches your energy, honors your dedicated approach, and leaves clients absolutely blown away by their results. And you’ll do it without losing a wink of sleep wondering if it’s “good enough” or hustling to pull it off.

Imagine having an offer that’s a perfect match for how YOU work best, one that creates jaw-dropping transformations, and frees you up to live your fcking life without being chained to desk chair (or walking pad) to make money.

How To Talk About Your Offer

No doubt, the fear of pouring your heart and soul into something new only to have it met with crickets is real. Not to mention it already feels a little cricket-y at times. Like you’re showing up and talking about your business…but are your people really getting it? Because your DMs aren’t exactly flooded with ideal clients ready to go ALL IN on your current offer(s) — so why would that change just because you launch a new (or refined) scalable offer?

During ACE Your Scalable Offer, I’ll show you how to nail the language you use to talk about your offer so it’s crystal clear—so clear that ideal clients won’t just understand it, they’ll be sprinting to buy it. No more spinning your wheels trying to explain the value. Instead, you’ll have offer positioning that resonates so deeply, it pulls dream clients in like a magnet.

Imagine finally having the words that make your offer irresistible, so you can stop spiraling about whether people will buy and start popping champagne early because you KNOW “sold out” status is inevitable.

Promo & Enrollment Strategies

Let’s be so real for a second: doing big, flashy launches with ads, a million emails, and fancy tech is fcking stressful (throwback to 2020 AnnMarie working nonstop from 6am-2am for an entire week trying to pull off this kind of launch with a $10k budget and 2 team members — and here come the stress hives). So if imagining that level of hustle makes you want to crawl under a blanket, I’m right there with you.

And if your audience is on the smaller side, you might even be wondering “What’s the point of launching something new? I probably don’t even have enough people to share it with to make it worth the effort. Maybe I should just wait until my audience is bigger…” 

Here’s the truth: You don’t need a massive list or a robust launch plan to start (and keep) selling your scalable offer. During ACE Your Scalable Offer, I’ll show you some light-lift promotion strategies and pre-enrollment ideas that’ll get the word out and make sales without burning you out. We’re talking about quick wins that are 100% do-able—no matter the size of your audience.

The goal? Get you moving forward, making sales and serving more people with a simple, stress-free approach that actually works, so you can stop putting off what’s on your heart and start seeing those “payment received” notifications roll in from the dreamiest clients.

Omg this is exactly what I need - i'm in!Call To Action

This deep-dive, interactive training and laser-consulting session is for seasoned coaches, consultants, and online service providers...

who are ready to unlock limitless space, revenue & impact without hustling harder.


I’m talking limitless space to:

  • Go for a hike and grab coffee with a friend on a random afternoon 
  • Be there for your babies, your partner…i.e. the people (and pets!) who have your heart
  • Enjoy a lonnnng weekend, every weekend
  • Take a day, week or even month off whenever life is life-ing 


And limitless revenue to:

  • Hire and retain top-notch team to take care of all the stuff in your business (and life!) that doesn’t light you up
  • Buy your dream car, live in your dream city, go on your dream vacay…whatever the dream, it’s yours because you have CHOICE
  • Support causes that matter to you without a second thought


Plus, limitless impact like:

  • The kind that has your client community dropping LIFE CHANGING celebrations in your DMs on the reg
  • Being there for those who matter most to you while also taking care of YOURSELF so you can give from a place of overflow
  • Having the freedom to pour into passion projects or whatever purposeful work is on your heart 


Meet your host

AnnMarie Rose

AnnMarie Rose is an Online Business Scaling Strategist and 2x Founder with nearly a decade of experience helping coaches, consultants and service providers leverage their zone of genius to step into their next season of business growth with clarity, confidence and strategic intention. 

She and her team have helped hundreds of business owners pivot and scale with ease by aligning their business model with their vision, refining their offer suite, clarifying their brand message, and streamlining their marketing and sales systems so they can elevate their impact and income without overwhelm, chaos or burnout.

When AnnMarie isn't working...

you can catch her growing her startup apparel company, sweating it out at a local fitness studio, pulling tarot cards and journaling, sipping coffee with girlfriends at one of her go-to spots downtown San Diego or having  fun with her husband, Jeremy, and her toddler son, Grant.

This is for you if you're:

  • A seasoned coach or consultant craving scalable business growth 
  • An expert who's ready to impact more people in a way that fills your cup
  • Looking to 2-4x your revenue in the next 12 months without reinventing the wheel or burning out
  • Over cookie-cutter approaches that neglect your values, priorities and how the hell you actually like to do business
  • Short on time and unavailable for “fluff” or anything that isn’t ridiculously simple (I have 2 businesses and a toddler, so when I tell you I feel you…I FEEEEEL you)

So if you’re saying to yourself..

 “I want an offer that generates consistent, reliable GOOD revenue (we’re talking multiple 6 figures per year status) without me having to be glued to my computer M-F to make it happen.”


“I already have a decent scalable offer in my business (e.g. a course, membership, a group program, group VIP day, etc.) but enrolling enough clients and delivering it isn’t the seamless ‘light-lift-yet-life-changing’ experience I want it to be.”

 It’s time to ACE Your Scalable Offer.

ok you get me. let's do this

Ally A., Data & Marketing Expert

"I have a feeling this scalable offer is quickly going to become the main offer in my business. I’m so excited about it. My waitlist is growing and I already have 4 people IN!"

Paige P., Profit Strategist

"During this workshop, I got clarity around how I’m hardwired to show up and got the guidance to develop my scalable signature program."

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to design or refine a mouthwatering scalable offer that's tailored to you, nourishes your season of life and fills up your bank account?


Claim your all-access ticket now to get:


✅ 2 Hour Interactive Workshop

 Replay Access

 Clarity Questionnaire

 Guided Visioning PreWork

 Bonus: 1:1 Follow Up Consult w/AnnMarie ($444 value)